Concentric Strength for Deadlift Domination

Struggling to conquer the deadlift?  Discover the power of concentric strength and unlock your full deadlifting potential!  This blog post explores Westside Barbell's unique training methods to overcome inertia, eliminate the stretch reflex, and break through stubborn sticking points.

The Unique Challenge of the Deadlift

Unlike squats and bench presses, the deadlift doesn't involve a lowering phase (eccentric contraction) This means you need exceptional concentric strength – the ability to lift the weight from a stationary position – to overcome inertia and initiate the lift. Mastering this specific type of strength is key to deadlift success.

Westside Barbell's Approach: Building Concentric Power

Westside Barbell utilizes unique methods to develop concentric strength: Concentric Good Mornings: Chains support the barbell, eliminating the eccentric phase and forcing the body to overcome inertia, replicating the deadlift's starting demands. Concentric Bench Press: Similar to good mornings, chains focus solely on the concentric phase, building raw strength without relying on the stretch reflex. Variable Bar Heights: Deadlifting with different bar heights ensures strength development throughout the entire range of motion.

Conquering the Sticking Point: The Power of Concentric Training

Sticking points are common hurdles in deadlifts, occurring when biomechanical leverages are weakest.  Concentric training: Strengthens weak points: By targeting these areas throughout the entire range of motion, it helps you overcome sticking points. Eliminates reliance on the stretch reflex: Unlike squats and bench presses, deadlifts don't get a boost from the stretch reflex. Concentric training builds raw strength to compensate. Generates momentum: Concentric strength allows you to generate sufficient initial momentum to push through the sticking point and complete the lift.

Embrace the Challenge: Elevate Your Deadlifting Game

Concentric training is demanding but incredibly effective for boosting deadlift performance. By incorporating it into your routine, you: Break through stubborn sticking points. Increase power output at the start of the lift. Unlock your full deadlift potential. Embrace the challenge and witness the transformative impact of concentric training!

Ready to Unleash Your Power?

Dive deeper into Westside Barbell's renowned training philosophies and discover how they can help you reach your strength and fitness goals.  Explore their training programs and take your deadlifting to the next level!

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