Westside Barbell's Speed Day: Unleashing Explosive Power

Ignite your powerlifting with speed training Westside Barbell, a name synonymous with powerlifting excellence, utilizes a unique training approach known as the "speed day." This web story delves into the science behind speed training and how Westside incorporates it to unlock explosive power, a crucial element for success on the platform. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

Beyond Brute Strength: The Power of Explosive Power

Powerlifting: Requires more than just strength, it demands explosive power. Explosive Power: The ability to generate force quickly at the start and throughout the lift. Speed-Strength: Combines initial force with acceleration, a vital element for success. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

The Westside Barbell "Speed Day"

Dedicated day focusing on the dynamic method:  Using submaximal weights (50-60% of 1RM) lifted with maximal speed. Dynamic Method: Trains the body to produce force quickly, mimicking competition demands. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

Combatting Adaptation: Why Variation is Key

Dr. Ben Tabachnik: Athletes adapt to repetitive exercises, hindering progress. Westside's Approach:Pendulum Wave: Uses varying intensities (50%, 55%, 60% 1RM) across three weeks to prevent adaptation. Variable Resistance: Adds chains or bands for a more dynamic lift, mimicking competition conditions and engaging different muscle groups. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

Synergy for Success: Building Complete Speed-Strength

The combination of: Dynamic method (speed day) Varying intensity and resistance Develops complete "speed-strength" Speed-Strength: Crucial for initiating movement quickly and accelerating through the lift. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

Understanding Westside's Speed Day

Advanced method: Requires careful planning and proper execution. Consult a qualified coach: Experienced in powerlifting and Westside principles to ensure safety and effectiveness. Ready to unlock explosive power in your powerlifting journey? ➡️ Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

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