Explode Your Bench Press: Speed & Power with Westside Barbell

Unleash hidden power and conquer the bench press Westside Barbell, a name synonymous with powerlifting prowess, emphasizes speed and explosiveness for maximizing bench press performance.  This web story dives into their methods, from dynamic variations to advanced techniques, to help you reach new heights. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

Building the Foundation: Rest, Form & Reactive Methods

Westside Barbell prioritizes several key aspects for effective speed work: Rest: Allow 45-60 seconds between sets to ensure proper recovery. Form: Maintain proper form throughout the movement to avoid injury. Reactive Methods: Utilize tools like bands, chains, or weight releasers to create variable resistance, mimicking the stretch reflex and enhancing explosiveness. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

Explosive Techniques for Powerlifters

1. Dynamic Method: Perform regular bench presses with 40-55% of your shirtless max, focusing on explosive lowering and concentric (lifting) phases. Aim for 8-10 sets of 3 reps. 2. Ballistic Method: Similar to dynamic, use 45-50% of your shirtless max. Drop the bar quickly but control the descent with your lats, catching it 1-3 inches off your chest before explosively pressing up. 3. Floor Press: Lie on the floor with J-hooks as bench supports. Lower the bar until your triceps touch the floor, then explosively press back up. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

Advanced Techniques (for experienced lifters):

1. Speed Bench off Power Rack Pins: Set pins at chest level, lower the bar, pause briefly, and then explosively press up. 2. Arch Bar or Buffalo Bar: Utilize these specialized bars with a camber for targeted tricep development and perform speed work exercises. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

Developing Speed-Strength:

Integrate speed-strength training to enhance both speed and power: 1. Speed-Strength with Bands: Attach mini-bands under a power rack and loop them around the bar, creating increasing resistance throughout the lift. Perform 8 sets of 3 reps with a rapid descent. 2. Strength-Speed with Bands: Use two mini-bands for added resistance, forcing your muscles to adapt to the increased load while maintaining speed. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!


– These techniques are advanced and require a qualified coach for proper guidance and safety. – Explore additional methods like incline/decline press with bands and the "lightened method" for further variations. Ready to unleash your inner powerlifter?  Start incorporating speed and explosiveness into your bench press routine with proper guidance and witness the results!

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