The Band Conundrum: Love-Hate for Powerlifters

Speed Demon or Sore Machine? Bands Explained Bands can be a powerlifter's best friend... or worst enemy.  Learn the why & explore killer band exercises! ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

The Challenge of Bands

– Tough on speed day: Bands create a strong eccentric phase, making speed lifts more demanding. – Radical resistance curve: Weight resistance varies throughout the lift, lighter at the bottom and heavier at the top. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

The Rewards of Bands

– Accommodating resistance: Bands match your strength curve for optimal resistance throughout the movement. – Kinetic energy boost: Bands absorb energy during lowering & release it during lifting, enhancing power. – Muscle mimicry: They mimic muscles & connective tissue, improving stability. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

Train Hard, Recover Smarter

Bands are potent, but be cautious! The intense eccentric load can lead to soreness.   However, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks – bands build both lockout strength and explosiveness at the start. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

Westside Barbell's Band Bonanza

– Board Presses with Bands: Build insane lockout strength! – JM Presses with Bands: Target your triceps with multiple bands for ultimate difficulty. – Double Tension Band Press: Challenge yourself with a "double tension" for an unreal press. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

Unleash Your Inner Beast: Exercises Beyond Bench

– Squatting with Bands: Wave your training weight & use chains/bands for max effort work. – Good Mornings & High Pulls: Train your entire posterior chain with bands for explosive power. – Deadlifts with Bands: Significantly improve your deadlift with targeted band tension. ➡️  Supercharge Your Lifts with Bands!

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