Squat Stall?

Stuck in a Squat Rut? Elevate Your Game with Box Squatting! Breakthrough your limitations!  Explore box squatting & targeted exercises to unlock explosive power in your squats. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

Box Squatting: Strength & Power

– Box squats offer a controlled descent & full range of motion for optimal strength gains. – They also help store & utilize kinetic energy for a powerful drive out of the squat. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

Master Box Squatting Technique

– Find the right box height (slightly below parallel depth). – Activate your glutes for a powerful hip drive before descending. – Push your knees outward to engage your hips & maintain proper joint alignment. – Maintain a chest-up posture with a slight lower back arch throughout. – Keep your head in line with your spine during the entire movement. – Avoid pushing down with your feet - push outwards instead (consider shoes like Chuck Taylors for better stability). ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

Box Squatting Programming

– Start with 50-60% of your max squat and gradually increase weight (10lbs/week) for 6 weeks. – Perform 10 sets of 2 reps for 4 weeks, then reduce to 8 sets of 2 reps. – After each weight increase ("wave"), drop back to 50% and start a new wave for continued progress. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

Beyond Box Squats: Special Exercises

Strengthen supporting muscle groups with targeted exercises: Spinal Erectors: Back raises, reverse hyperextensions. Glutes & Hamstrings: Pull-throughs, sled dragging, glute-ham raises. Abs: Standing cable crunches (facing away from the machine). Obliques: Weighted side bends. Skip the Leg Extensions & Leg Press! These exercises offer minimal benefits and can be risky. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

Unlock Your Squat Potential

Dynamic Day: Focus on speed with box squats & special exercises (short rest periods for growth hormone). Max Effort Day: Train absolute strength with variations like good mornings using special squat bars. Core Exercise Variation: Rotate core exercises every 2 weeks to maintain growth hormone production. Special Work Management: Gradually increase special exercise volume over 3-4 weeks. Close to Competition: Prioritize speed work & targeted exercises for core, hamstrings, glutes & hips. Box Squatting & Targeted Training = Explosive Squats!

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