Stuck in a Training Rut?

– Reps & Sets Not Cutting It? It's Time to Level Up! Tired of the same old rep schemes?  This guide blasts through training plateaus with advanced techniques for peak performance! ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

Beyond Reps & Sets: Unlocking Your Potential

– Simple rep schemes work initially, but advanced athletes need a more sophisticated approach. – Learn how to optimize rep ranges & intensity for explosive gains. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

The Rep-Speed Tradeoff

– More reps don't always equal better results! – Think of throwing a basketball - each bounce loses energy, just like each rep reduces force production. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

Periodization: Your Roadmap to Success

– Don't wander aimlessly! Periodization structures your training with specific phases for targeted goals. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

The Power of Phases

Hypertrophy: Build muscle mass with moderate weights (70-80% 1RM) in the 4-6 rep range. Strength: Increase your ability to lift heavy with weights of 80-90% 1RM and 2-5 reps. Power: Develop explosiveness with lighter weights (<80% 1RM) and explosive movements (1-3 reps). Peaking: Fine-tune your training for competition with specific weights and technique drills. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

Train Smarter, Not Harder

– Ditch the bro-science! Strategic rep ranges & periodization unlock peak performance. – Level up your training & dominate your competition!

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