No matter what the duration of your workout is, you should be proud that you did it at all. by Mary Lambkin How long should I work out? This is one of the most common questions first-time gym-goers have. Of course, the answer is: it depends! There's no single workout type (or duration) that is perfectly suited for every adult. But it is possible to determine how long you should spend in the gym. Here are five factors to consider before you schedule your next sweat session.

1. Fitness level

The first and most important thing to consider when you ask yourself "How long should I work out?" is your overall fitness level. If you're new to working out, spending an hour in the gym every single day might pose a greater risk than reward. You don't want to injure yourself or burnout by pushing your body past its limit before you find a comfortable rhythm. Try starting with short workouts that are 30 minutes or less. As you feel your strength building, add a couple more minutes every week.

2. Type of workout

Of course, how long you work out for isn't the only thing to consider! How hard are you pushing yourself? The duration of your workout should depend on the intensity of the exercises. Maintaining a brisk walk on the treadmill for 40 minutes is appropriate; maintaining a full sprint on the treadmill for 40 minutes is impossible!

3. Recent and upcoming workouts

At the start of the week, choose a few days to alternate between longer and shorter workouts. For example, you might alternate between 40-minute and 20-minute gym sessions, with at leastone rest day scheduled per week. Remember, you don't have to maintain the same intensity during every session. One day might be spent simply walking on the treadmill.

4. Amount of rest time

You know those people at the gym that look like they are standing around, doing nothing? They are actually resting between sets! As they should be. Many strength-training exercises — especially weightlifting — require extra downtime for preparation, rest and recovery. This means that a 40-minute weightlifting session might only involve 20 minutes of actual exercise.

5. Other commitments

Ultimately, making time for exercise matters. While everyone has commitments outside of the gym, it's equally important to invest in your health. It's totally understandable that your family and career come first — so if you have to cut your workout a few minutes short in order to scoot to another commitment, that's fine!

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