Swim Stronger: Power Up Your Technique with Strength Training

– Strengthen your core and upper body for better posture and power in the water. – Build muscle endurance for sustained swimming efforts. – Reduce injury risk by strengthening key muscle groups.

Target Crucial Muscle Groups for Swim Success

Core: Plank, crunches, Russian twists Shoulders: Push-ups, lateral raises, face pulls Back: Pull-ups, rows, lat pulldowns Legs: Squats, lunges, deadlifts

Strengthen Your Core for Powerful Strokes

– A strong core provides stability and power during swimming. – Plank, crunches, Russian twists strengthen your abdominals and obliques. – Exercises like bird dogs engage your lower back and core muscles.

Build Shoulder Strength for Efficient Pulls

– Strong shoulders are essential for pulling through the water. – Push-ups, lateral raises, and face pulls target the shoulder muscles. – Exercises like dumbbell presses and overhead press further strengthen the shoulders.

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