Browsing: Fitness

What is the reason for a sharp set of excess weight – with the genetic characteristics of the body, malnutrition, or a sedentary lifestyle? The answer is simple. The reasons for rapid weight gain in both men and women are most often stress – just like trying to seize it with sweets.

The benefits of sports for teenagers are both in the development of muscles and in strengthening the skeletal system. Of particular importance are exercises with body weight – they help to create an athletic posture without overloading the spine. A set of simple exercises for beginners is in the material below.

Interval running is a great way to do a fat-burning workout without special equipment. You can run both on the street, in the stadium or on the stairs. The main thing is to follow the correct technique, monitor the alternation of intervals and control the heartbeat.

The exercise bike is one of the most effective weight loss tools. Regular training on it contributes to both weight loss (burning from 300 to 800 kcal per hour) and benefits the health of the cardiovascular system. In addition, pedaling is safe for the knees – unlike running.

Long and regular cardio provides the greatest effect for burning belly fat, rather than abdominal exercises. Essentially, vigorous aerobic exercise raises your metabolic rate, causing your body to burn more energy throughout the day—which helps you lose weight.

The pulse with which the training is performed plays the key role in the process of losing weight, rather than the choice of cardio. That is why the best for fat burning are either long and moderate loads, or high-intensity interval training.