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Trans fats are substances that occur in vegetable oils when they are reheated to high temperatures. Most countries in the world regulate the content of trans fats in finished foods – they should be no more than 2% of the total amount of fat in the products.

In fact, fast carbohydrates are a household term. There are simple carbohydrates (that is, carbohydrates with a simple structure of their molecules) – as well as complex carbohydrates (molecules with a complex structure), which have a fast absorption rate during digestion.

Vitamin D is one of the most important substances responsible for human health. It regulates more than a thousand physiological processes in the body, including the processes of DNA regeneration. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to impaired immunity and an increased risk of infections.

Omega-3s are like vitamins – they are important for brain function and metabolism, but they are not produced in the body and must be obtained from food. While supplementing with omega-3s doesn’t provide any benefit, it’s about covering the recommended daily allowance.