Browsing: Health

Competing in sports demands peak physical and mental performance. Athletes train rigorously to optimize their bodies, but sometimes they face unexpected challenges that extend beyond the gym and field. One such challenge is vegetative dystonia, a condition that can disrupt an athlete’s journey to success.

Muscle fibers are a unique type of physiological structure that has both strength and elasticity at the same time. They are divided into two types – fast and slow. Despite the fact that the fibers are usually intertwined, in professional athletes one of the types dominates.

Fructose is the most common type of simple carbohydrate in nature. It is present in berries, fruits and fruit plants. Most fructose is found in oranges, bananas, apples and peaches. In the composition of honey, it is about 80%, in the composition of sugar – about 50%.

A sweetener is a sweet-tasting substance that does not contain glucose, fructose, or other simple carbohydrate molecules. Since sweeteners do not contain carbohydrates, they have little or no effect on blood glucose levels and do not require the body to produce insulin.

First of all, the glycemic index of fruits depends on the content of fast carbohydrates (mainly fructose) and fiber in their composition. In other words, the more sweet juice in a fruit, the higher its glycemic index. The leaders are grapes and watermelon.

What is the reason for a sharp set of excess weight – with the genetic characteristics of the body, malnutrition, or a sedentary lifestyle? The answer is simple. The reasons for rapid weight gain in both men and women are most often stress – just like trying to seize it with sweets.

According to the World Health Organization, the average body mass index of Russians is 26.2. Although this figure is only slightly above the norm, Rosstat reports that almost 40% of the population show symptoms of pre-obesity, and more than 21% suffer from full-fledged obesity.