Browsing: Health

Sugar is a key ingredient in sugary sodas and juices (after water). In the case of cola, we are talking about 20-25 g of sugar per 250 ml – which is equivalent to 5 teaspoons. At the same time, grape and apple juices are the leaders – they contain about 6-8 tablespoons of fast carbohydrates per glass.

Although there are many different diets for weight loss, the most effective of them are not at all in the calculation of calories – but in the control of carbohydrates. Such diets help not only to lose weight quickly, but are also suitable for maintaining a stable weight in the future.

Cartilage in the body produces glucosamine, a monosaccharide that functions as a lubricant and natural shock absorber for the joints. It is one of the key components of the joint fluid and provides an improvement in the regeneration of cartilage cells. In addition, glucosamine is synergistic with chondroitin, another important component of joint lubrication.

Insulin is a hormone that regulates carbohydrate metabolism. It is responsible for converting food carbohydrate energy into energy for the body. Insufficient production of this hormone interferes with the utilization of glucose and raises blood sugar levels – which can be dangerous to health.

Hair growth is a complex physiological process. In total, there are about 5 million hair follicles (follicles) on the human body, about 100 thousand of them are on the head. It is believed that the amount is laid down at the genetic level and is not able to increase throughout life.

Would you like to know your chances of staying healthy in the next decade? Measure around your waist (with a soft tape 10 cm above the thighbone, without pulling in the stomach) – a figure above 90 cm for women and 100 cm for men indicates the presence of reserves of abdominal fat.

The pulse with which the training is performed plays the key role in the process of losing weight, rather than the choice of cardio. That is why the best for fat burning are either long and moderate loads, or high-intensity interval training.