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According to statistics, approximately 537 million adults (20-79 years) are living with diabetes. In other words, each of us probably has family members, friends, or colleagues with this serious disease.

Men know that during strength training you are constantly hungry – in this way, the body gives a signal that it needs additional energy. In this case, calories are used to restore muscle tissue and build muscle.

Traditionally, bread (like other baked goods) is considered unhealthy high-carbohydrate food with a high glycemic index. However, whole-grain bread can be included in the diabetic diet – which proves the ambiguity of this food product.

Essential amino acids are amino acids that cannot be synthesized by the human body and must be obtained from protein foods. Recall that science identifies the 22 most important amino acids, 8 of which are essential – valine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, and phenylalanine. For children, arginine is also indispensable.

Maltodextrin is a polysaccharide and a common ingredient in a variety of foods. Because of its ability to form a thick and airy texture, it is used in baked goods, ice cream, low-fat yogurts, and various sauces – as well as in baby food.

Glycogen is the muscle (and liver) store of carbohydrates used as the primary source of energy during exercise. The source of glycogen is glucose consumed with food (or with sports drinks).

The relationship between lactic acid and muscle fatigue is not as clear-cut as it is commonly believed. On the one hand, the characteristic burning sensation in the muscles 2-3 days after training is not associated with the accumulation of lactic acid – it is usually excreted from the body in a few hours.