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The main advice of nutritionists of the last 50 years is to replace lard and butter with vegetable fats. The reason is the absence of cholesterol in their composition, which is harmful to the health of the cardiovascular system. At the same time, traditionally, vegetable oil almost always meant sunflower oil.

Palm oil, derived from the oil palm fruit, is primarily produced in Malaysia and Indonesia. It’s the world’s most popular vegetable oil, comprising about 35% of total oil production. This versatile oil also offers several benefits, including its use in various industries and as a source of vitamin E.

There are many myths associated with eating coconut oil, from the fact that it is more “dietary” (due to its content of short-chain fatty acids) to the fact that its use does not affect cholesterol levels.

The DASH diet is a nutrition system for hypertensive patients developed by doctors. It is based on the restriction of salt and saturated fats in the diet – the key causes of high blood pressure. What is allowed and what is forbidden? Menu for the entire week.

People with weak immune systems are more at risk of developing colds. In particular, during the end of winter, people are more prone to a deficiency of vitamin D, which affects the functioning of the immune system. A lack of vitamin C also affects the course of cold infections.

Chicken eggs are an important component of proper nutrition, a source of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. However, they contain cholesterol, a potentially dangerous substance for the cardiovascular system. Excess cholesterol in the blood is associated with health risks.

Fiber is a component of plants that cannot be digested by the human stomach but plays an important role in the metabolic process. It is essential both for digestion and for maintaining healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Foods rich in fiber include seeds, green vegetables, whole grains, and pseudocereals.