Browsing: Nutrition

Refined carbohydrates account for the vast majority of the calories in the modern diet – which is recognized as an important factor in the development of obesity and diabetes. Such products change eating habits, provoking people to overeat and refuse natural food (it seems tasteless to them).

According to scientific research, creatine is a sports supplement that actually works. Since creatine is not an anabolic or doping drug, it is recognized by all sports organizations – 15 to 40% of professional athletes regularly drink creatine.

Gainer is a carbohydrate-protein sports supplement for rapid muscle mass gain and body weight gain. Most often, a gainer consists of a mixture of whey protein and fast-digesting carbohydrates, in some cases, creatine, as well as vitamins and minerals, can be added to its composition. The word gainer refers to the English verb to gain, meaning in this context a set of masses.

Once in a sports nutrition store, it’s easy to get lost in the plethora of muscle-building supplements. Three-level filtration protein, microcrystalline creatine with a transport system, five types of fast carbohydrates gainer, and casein with magnesium – the list is endless.

The first rule of nutrition for weight gain is to increase the caloric content of the diet by 10-15%. Plus, to replenish glycogen stores (the main source of energy for muscles), carbohydrates with a low and medium glycemic index are needed.

Men know that during strength training you are constantly hungry – in this way, the body gives a signal that it needs additional energy. In this case, calories are used to restore muscle tissue and build muscle.