Browsing: Powerlifting

As athletes, we all chase the holy grail of progress: increasing muscle mass, speed, strength, and coordination. Starting out, simple rep schemes like 10s, 8s, and 6s can work wonders. But what happens when you hit a plateau?

Bands are a powerlifter’s secret weapon, but they can be a double-edged sword. Let’s explore the benefits and drawbacks of bands, along with some killer Westside Barbell exercises to incorporate them into your training.

Ever feel stuck between needing more speed for your lifts or needing more strength to move heavier weights? The answer lies in the force-velocity curve, the scientific relationship between how much weight you lift (force) and how fast you lift it (velocity).

Ever feel stuck in a rut with your weightlifting? Grinding away at the same weights, seeing little to no progress? You might be experiencing accommodation, where your body adapts to the training stimulus and plateaus. But fear not, there’s a solution: accommodating resistance.

Ever feel like your lifts just aren’t progressing anymore? You’re putting in the work, but the results just aren’t there. This could be due to a phenomenon called accommodation.