Browsing: Powerlifting

Westside Barbell, a powerhouse in the powerlifting world, is renowned for its unique training methods. One key element is their dedicated “speed day” for squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. This blog post dives into the philosophy behind this approach, exploring the concept of speed training and how Westside utilizes it for optimal powerlifting performance.

If you’re passionate about pushing your raw strength limits, you’ve probably heard whispers of the infamous Westside Barbell Conjugate Method. This isn’t your average gym routine. It’s a system responsible for shattering world records and producing legends in the powerlifting world. But all the variations, percentages, and science talk can be overwhelming. Let’s break down what this method is all about and why it works.

The deadlift is a compound exercise powerhouse, engaging multiple muscle groups for full-body strength development. However, executing it correctly makes all the difference. Here’s a breakdown of key tips for both conventional and sumo deadlift styles.

Traditional squats are commonly viewed as a multi-joint movement heavily focused on knee extension. However, this perspective might be limiting your potential and even increasing injury risk. Let’s break down a more efficient and powerful squatting technique that emphasizes hip flexion and spinal stability.

The eccentric (lowering) phase of an exercise is a crucial element in strength training and muscle development. It’s associated with greater muscle soreness and contributes significantly to muscle growth (hypertrophy). However, focusing solely on eccentric training can be counterproductive for enhancing overall strength and can even lead to injuries.

In strength training, understanding the difference between concentric and eccentric muscle contractions is crucial. While exercises like squats and bench presses require both phases, the deadlift uniquely focuses on concentric strength – the ability to lift the weight without a preceding lowering movement. This blog post dives into developing starting strength through concentric training to improve your deadlift, break through sticking points, and overcome inertia.

Hitting a wall in your strength training? Struggling to see progress? If you’re looking to break through plateaus and accelerate your strength gains, consider incorporating bands and chains into your routine. This blog post explores how these tools can prolong maximal force production and enhance the effectiveness of your barbell training.

Explosive strength, the ability to generate maximum force rapidly, is a crucial ingredient for athletes across various disciplines. This blog post dives into the world of explosive strength, exploring:

Isometric strength training may sound like a relic of the past, but this powerful method has a lot to offer modern powerlifters and athletes from various disciplines. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of isometrics, exploring: