Browsing: Workouts

If you have an exercise bike, elliptical or treadmill at home, you are in luck and you can easily do a fat-burning workout at home. But what if there are no such simulators? Running in place and jumping rope are fun, but only for 5-10 minutes.

The bench press from the chest, lying on a straight line or on an inclined bench, is one of the five basic exercises, that is, strength exercises that are most effective for the complex development of the entire muscles of the body. The main working muscles when doing the bench press are the pectoral muscles, the secondary ones are the muscles of the shoulder girdle, triceps and, in part, the top of the press.

The bent over row is one of the five basic bodybuilding exercises for gaining muscle mass. When performed correctly, the work involves the latissimus dorsi, the middle and lower part of the trapezius muscles, as well as the posterior deltoids.

Probably every girl wants to have a toned butt and thighs. And even those who have been generously endowed by genetics eventually have to start working on themselves. After all, not just thinness is in fashion, but a more athletic look.

To speed up muscle recovery after a workout, both massage and stretching exercises, as well as moderate cardio and an active recovery technique, will help. It consists in carrying out light and short strength training on rest days. The main task will be to flush out toxins and improve the nutrition of muscle tissue.

Functional training has been a major fitness trend for the last ten years. Although exercises with body weight or with light equipment (for example, with a ball or with kettlebells) were known before, functional training made them much more interesting.

Although the deadlift is the most important strength exercise, most trainees avoid it. The reasons are simple – a complex technique, as well as a serious burden on the body. In addition, beginners often do not know which muscles the deadlift pumps.

The relationship between lactic acid and muscle fatigue is not as clear-cut as it is commonly believed. On the one hand, the characteristic burning sensation in the muscles 2-3 days after training is not associated with the accumulation of lactic acid – it is usually excreted from the body in a few hours.