What is myofascial release?
Myofascial Release (MFR) is a special massage to relieve stiffness in a specific area of the body. The term is derived from the words “myo” (muscle tissue) and “fascia” (connective tissue). All muscles, tendons, organs, and neurovascular bundles are covered with a dense sheath (fascia) that holds tissues together – this ensures the interconnection of the body.
In a healthy body, the fasciae stretch and move without restriction – however, as a result of sports injuries or poor posture, the connective tissue loses its elasticity, forming micro-scars. When a certain fascia is overstressed, the blood flow in the vessels worsens, directly affecting the performance of the muscles and, ultimately, leading to the appearance of stiffness and pain.
MFR can be carried out both with the help of a professional sports masseur and by self-massage. The main tools for achieving myofascial release are all kinds of massage rollers, as well as special balls that resemble tennis. In addition, there are special exercises to increase muscle elasticity.
Advantages and benefits of MFR
Regular massage of problem areas is needed not only for myofascial release and getting rid of the feeling of muscle tightness but also to improve the circulation of fluids in the tissues. Since the fasciae are made up of collagen and elastin, it is important to maintain an optimal level of water molecules in them – this is what ensures that the layers slide freely relative to each other, improving the range of motion.
Myofascial Release is especially useful for runners, CrossFitters, and strength training enthusiasts, as flexible and mobile fasciae are the key to quick recovery after training. In addition, MFR provides relaxation in the so-called “trigger points” – foci of tension in the muscle, provoking pain during movement or exercise.
Why do you need a massage with a roller :
- Improves blood circulation in tissues
- Accelerates the excretion of lactic acid
- Accelerates post-workout recovery
- Reduces the risk of sports injury
What is a massage roller?
The massage roller is the main tool that allows you to independently achieve myofascial release. Since most often such a roller is made in the form of a roller, it is sometimes called a “massage cylinder”, while the English name “foam roller” (or simply “roller”) refers to the material used – foam plastic of varying degrees of rigidity.
The surface of the massage roller can be either smooth or with ribbed details – they, in turn, are designed to massage trigger points. Also, for the purpose of influencing these points, it is recommended to use massage balls. Contraindications to the use of a massage cylinder are the presence of any physical tissue damage – including sprains, fractures, and dislocations.
Benefits of a massage roller:
- improvement of blood circulation in tissues
- relieve pain and tightness
- increasing the elasticity of the fascia and achieving MFR
- warming up muscles and preparing them for training
Correct usage of the massage roller
The benefits of the massage roller and, in fact, myofascial release, are only achieved when used correctly. Firstly, you should not just ride this cylinder but consciously massage a certain muscle without going into the ligaments and bones. Secondly, the degree of pressure should not be excessively large – in no case should you experience acute pain when pressed.
Massage balls for trigger points

A trigger point is a site of chronic spasm (tissue hyper-irritability focus) that causes pain when pressed. On palpation, such a point is felt as a compacted area of \u200b\u200bthe muscle. In fact, myofascial release is needed to eliminate tension at the trigger point, due to which the relaxation of the entire muscle group associated with it occurs.
Note that it is possible to correctly determine the trigger point only if you have some experience in self-massage or after consultation with a physiotherapist. Often, pain in one area of the body can be caused by overexertion in the associated fascia – while overly active massage can only exacerbate the problem. This rule is especially pronounced in the case of pain in the neck and in the lower part of the spine.
How to use massage balls?
Using a massage ball is similar to using a massage roller. First, you determine the point that causes discomfort, then you begin to gently massage it. The ball can be placed both on the floor (in this case, you lie down on top and start to roll slightly on it, but do not press with all your body weight), or sandwiched between the body and a vertical surface (for example, a wall).
To achieve myofascial release, the total duration of exposure to one point should be 1-3 minutes. During the massage, you can either lightly press on the problem area or simply make gentle movements with your limb, thus working out the muscles and fascia. We remind you once again that in the event of sharp pain, it is recommended to stop the massage.
Myofascial Release (MFR) is a self-massage technique for relieving tight muscles and increasing fascia elasticity. MFR is needed to accelerate recovery processes after training, as well as to expand the range of motion of the limbs. The key tools for such a massage are massage rollers (massage cylinders), as well as massage balls.