Browsing: athletetraining

This blog post dives into the debate surrounding High Intensity Training (HIT) for athletes, particularly football players. Louie Simmons, a renowned strength and conditioning coach, shares his perspective on why HIT might not be the best approach for overall athletic development.

Plyometrics, a training method known for explosive jumps and dynamic movements, has become a staple in athletic conditioning. But what’s the science behind it? This blog post dives into the origins of plyometrics and explores its effectiveness in building explosive power.

As athletes, we all chase the holy grail of progress: increasing muscle mass, speed, strength, and coordination. Starting out, simple rep schemes like 10s, 8s, and 6s can work wonders. But what happens when you hit a plateau?

The deadlift, a king among exercises, demands total body strength and explosiveness. Westside Barbell, a renowned powerlifting gym, is famous for its Conjugate Method, a unique approach to training. This article explores how the Conjugate Method utilizes good mornings and various exercises to strengthen the muscles crucial for a powerful deadlift.