Browsing: cortisol

What is the reason for a sharp set of excess weight – with the genetic characteristics of the body, malnutrition, or a sedentary lifestyle? The answer is simple. The reasons for rapid weight gain in both men and women are most often stress – just like trying to seize it with sweets.

The rules of the 16/8 diet include skipping breakfast, having a hearty lunch, afternoon tea, and an early dinner – essentially, allowing food consumption only from noon to 8 pm. The advantage of intermittent fasting is the normalization of metabolism. According to reviews, this diet is especially effective for women.

The main reason for gaining excess weight in both men and women is bad nutrition combined with a sedentary lifestyle. Hormone levels also play a role – for example, high cortisol increases cravings for fast carbohydrates, while accelerating the accumulation of fat in the abdomen.

Chronically high cortisol levels are a very dangerous condition. This hormone affects the immune system (by inhibiting it), the cardiovascular system (leading to an increase in blood pressure), as well as the body’s ability to absorb fast carbohydrates – and even mood.

Visceral fat is the most dangerous type of fat for health. It is not only deposited on the internal organs and squeezes the stomach forward, but also disrupts metabolism – in particular, it affects the hormonal level and is also the cause of chronic hunger.