Browsing: cutting

You’ve put in the hard work, lifting heavy and eating enough to fuel a small army. The bulking phase is showing results: your muscles are fuller, your lifts are heavier, and your physique is certainly more “beefed up.” But now comes the next big question: when is the right time to transition from the bulking phase to the cutting phase? This article will guide you through this crucial period, detailing when and how to make the switch effectively.

According to the unwritten rules of bodybuilding, a period of bulking is always followed by cutting, that is, training to get shredded and make those muscles shine.
After all, whatever others may say, along with muscle volume, the amount of body fat also increases. And this worsens the aesthetics and visibility of the muscles.
In theory, cutting is very simple. But in practice, to achieve it, you have to sweat a lot.