Browsing: explosivepower

Westside Barbell, a legendary powerlifting gym, earns its renown through innovative training methods. This blog post dives into their unique approach to plyometrics, a training method used to develop explosive power in athletes.

Plyometrics, a training method known for explosive jumps and dynamic movements, has become a staple in athletic conditioning. But what’s the science behind it? This blog post dives into the origins of plyometrics and explores its effectiveness in building explosive power.

The final two weeks before a powerlifting competition are a pressure cooker. Nerves run high, and the training program you choose can make or break your performance. This blog post explores the Westside Conjugate Method, designed by Louie Simmons of Westside Barbell, to help you peak for competition and achieve those coveted personal records.

Bands are a powerlifter’s secret weapon, but they can be a double-edged sword. Let’s explore the benefits and drawbacks of bands, along with some killer Westside Barbell exercises to incorporate them into your training.

Ever feel stuck in a rut with your weightlifting? Grinding away at the same weights, seeing little to no progress? You might be experiencing accommodation, where your body adapts to the training stimulus and plateaus. But fear not, there’s a solution: accommodating resistance.

The deadlift demands raw power and explosiveness. While building strength is crucial, incorporating speed training can significantly enhance your deadlift game. This article explores various deadlift speed training techniques used by powerlifters to achieve lightning-fast pull-offs.

The box squat is a variation of the traditional squat exercise that utilizes a box to control depth and potentially improve overall squat performance. Louie Simmons, a renowned powerlifting coach, is a big advocate for box squats, believing them to be a superior and safer alternative to regular squats. This blog post will delve into the benefits of box squats and how to perform them effectively.