Browsing: Fat burning workouts

It is often believed that the morning before breakfast is the best time to exercise in order to lose weight. Indeed, a low level of insulin in the blood enhances the action of fat-burning hormones (primarily adrenaline). However, this mode is more suitable for professionals than beginners.

Few training techniques have attracted as much interest and popularity in the fitness world as High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). People looking for a quick and effective way to increase their fitness levels and reach their fitness objectives have become enthralled with this time-efficient and successful approach to training.

Proper drying begins with planning a training program. In the first week you should train to strengthen the muscles, in the second – do exercises for the press and fat-burning cardio. This will help maintain a high level of testosterone – as the main drying hormone.

Interval running is a great way to do a fat-burning workout without special equipment. You can run both on the street, in the stadium or on the stairs. The main thing is to follow the correct technique, monitor the alternation of intervals and control the heartbeat.

Long and regular cardio provides the greatest effect for burning belly fat, rather than abdominal exercises. Essentially, vigorous aerobic exercise raises your metabolic rate, causing your body to burn more energy throughout the day—which helps you lose weight.

The pulse with which the training is performed plays the key role in the process of losing weight, rather than the choice of cardio. That is why the best for fat burning are either long and moderate loads, or high-intensity interval training.

If you have an exercise bike, elliptical or treadmill at home, you are in luck and you can easily do a fat-burning workout at home. But what if there are no such simulators? Running in place and jumping rope are fun, but only for 5-10 minutes.