Browsing: fiber

Flaxseed is an affordable and inexpensive superfood that is similar in composition to chia seeds. Due to their high content of fiber, plant-based omega-3s, minerals, and antioxidants, flax seeds are extremely beneficial for health. They help lower cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure.

Fiber is a component of plants that cannot be digested by the human stomach but plays an important role in the metabolic process. It is essential both for digestion and for maintaining healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Foods rich in fiber include seeds, green vegetables, whole grains, and pseudocereals.

Surely you have heard the phrase that fiber is a “broom” that helps “revenge” the intestines. Despite the fact that this, to some extent, is true – the perception of fiber solely as a coarse ballast substance for cleaning the digestive system distorts reality.