Browsing: Glycogen

It is often believed that the morning before breakfast is the best time to exercise in order to lose weight. Indeed, a low level of insulin in the blood enhances the action of fat-burning hormones (primarily adrenaline). However, this mode is more suitable for professionals than beginners.

Muscle fibers are a unique type of physiological structure that has both strength and elasticity at the same time. They are divided into two types – fast and slow. Despite the fact that the fibers are usually intertwined, in professional athletes one of the types dominates.

Note that the International Society for Sports Nutrition is not engaged in the promotion of sports nutrition at all – as you might think from the name. In fact, we are talking about nutrition in a broader sense – and the organization’s position on sports nutrition is quite accurate.

Glycogen is the muscle (and liver) store of carbohydrates used as the primary source of energy during exercise. The source of glycogen is glucose consumed with food (or with sports drinks).

Glycogen is the muscle (and liver) store of carbohydrates used as the primary source of energy during exercise. The source of glycogen is glucose consumed with food (or with sports drinks).