Browsing: kineticenergy

Westside Barbell, a legendary powerlifting gym, is known for its innovative methods for developing athletic power. This blog post dives into the science behind their unique plyometric technique – the Virtual Force Swing.

Plyometrics, a training method known for explosive jumps and dynamic movements, has become a staple in athletic conditioning. But what’s the science behind it? This blog post dives into the origins of plyometrics and explores its effectiveness in building explosive power.

Ever feel stuck between needing more speed for your lifts or needing more strength to move heavier weights? The answer lies in the force-velocity curve, the scientific relationship between how much weight you lift (force) and how fast you lift it (velocity).

The eccentric (lowering) phase of an exercise is a crucial element in strength training and muscle development. It’s associated with greater muscle soreness and contributes significantly to muscle growth (hypertrophy). However, focusing solely on eccentric training can be counterproductive for enhancing overall strength and can even lead to injuries.