Browsing: Metabolism

What is the reason for a sharp set of excess weight – with the genetic characteristics of the body, malnutrition, or a sedentary lifestyle? The answer is simple. The reasons for rapid weight gain in both men and women are most often stress – just like trying to seize it with sweets.

Iodine is one of the most important minerals necessary for the proper functioning of the body. It participates in oxidative processes, stimulates brain activity, and also helps to improve the elasticity of vascular walls. In addition, iodine is necessary for the production of thyroid hormones.

Cartilage in the body produces glucosamine, a monosaccharide that functions as a lubricant and natural shock absorber for the joints. It is one of the key components of the joint fluid and provides an improvement in the regeneration of cartilage cells. In addition, glucosamine is synergistic with chondroitin, another important component of joint lubrication.

Most people are sure that the slowdown in metabolic processes begins already from the age of 20 – as a result of which the body more actively stores excess weight on the stomach and sides. Additionally, it is often believed that men have faster metabolisms than women (especially after menopause).

Glycogen is the muscle (and liver) store of carbohydrates used as the primary source of energy during exercise. The source of glycogen is glucose consumed with food (or with sports drinks).

Glycogen is the muscle (and liver) store of carbohydrates used as the primary source of energy during exercise. The source of glycogen is glucose consumed with food (or with sports drinks).

Chronically high cortisol levels are a very dangerous condition. This hormone affects the immune system (by inhibiting it), the cardiovascular system (leading to an increase in blood pressure), as well as the body’s ability to absorb fast carbohydrates – and even mood.