Browsing: obesity

Regular physical activity is not just about staying in shape; it’s about safeguarding your health and reducing your risk of developing chronic diseases. Exercise plays a crucial role in maintaining overall well-being and protecting against a host of ailments, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity.

What is the reason for a sharp set of excess weight – with the genetic characteristics of the body, malnutrition, or a sedentary lifestyle? The answer is simple. The reasons for rapid weight gain in both men and women are most often stress – just like trying to seize it with sweets.

According to the World Health Organization, the average body mass index of Russians is 26.2. Although this figure is only slightly above the norm, Rosstat reports that almost 40% of the population show symptoms of pre-obesity, and more than 21% suffer from full-fledged obesity.

Would you like to know your chances of staying healthy in the next decade? Measure around your waist (with a soft tape 10 cm above the thighbone, without pulling in the stomach) – a figure above 90 cm for women and 100 cm for men indicates the presence of reserves of abdominal fat.

Losing weight is much easier than it seems. However, maintaining the achieved result and maintaining a stable weight is where the typical difficulty lies for many. Ultimately, a slim figure requires control over the food you eat and regular exercise.

The DASH diet is a nutrition system for hypertensive patients developed by doctors. It is based on the restriction of salt and saturated fats in the diet – the key causes of high blood pressure. What is allowed and what is forbidden? Menu for the entire week.