Browsing: powerlifting

Powerlifters know pushing their limits is key to progress. But what about when accumulated fatigue starts hindering those gains? This is powerlifting where fatigue management comes in. It’s not just about taking rest days, although those are important. It’s a strategic approach to keeping fatigue levels from derailing your powerlifting journey.

We all want to be the strongest version of ourselves, but in powerlifting, neglecting proper recovery strategies can be a recipe for disaster. This article explores common training mistakes that hinder progress and how to find the training sweet spot for optimal gains.

Powerlifting is about pushing your limits, but neglecting proper rest and recovery strategies can lead to disaster. This article explores the consequences of under-applying fatigue management and how to find the training sweet spot for optimal gains.

In the relentless pursuit of powerlifting glory, fatigue becomes a constant foe. It saps strength, hinders progress, and can even lead to injury. But fear not, iron warriors! This article unveils a potent weapon in your fatigue management arsenal: the mighty rest day. We’ll delve into the science behind rest days, explore their impact on both body and mind, and guide you towards optimizing their use in your powerlifting program. So, grab your protein shake, settle in, and discover how strategic rest days can unlock your full powerlifting potential.

As powerlifters progress through years of training, reaching peak performance becomes increasingly challenging. One reason is the widening gap between the body’s ability to adapt and its ability to recover. This article explores various factors influencing fatigue accumulation and dissipation, helping you optimize your training for sustainable gains.

The bench shirt is a powerful tool for powerlifters, but using it incorrectly can be dangerous and hinder progress. Louie Simmons, a renowned powerlifting coach, shares his insights on mastering the bench shirt and maximizing its benefits.

This blog post tackles the debate surrounding the effectiveness of bands and chains in strength training, particularly for powerlifting. Louie Simmons, a renowned powerlifting coach, challenges some common misconceptions and highlights the importance of proper implementation.

Westside Barbell, a legendary powerlifting gym, is known for its innovative methods for developing athletic power. This blog post dives into the science behind their unique plyometric technique – the Virtual Force Swing.