Browsing: Protein

The recommendations suggest that adult men, with an average weight of 70-90 kg, need 65-117g of daily protein for muscle growth. Women, with an average weight of 60-70 kg, require 58-87g. This translates to 1.2-1.5g of protein per kg of body weight per day.

The first rule of nutrition for weight gain is to increase the caloric content of the diet by 10-15%. Plus, to replenish glycogen stores (the main source of energy for muscles), carbohydrates with a low and medium glycemic index are needed. Among other things, to maintain optimal hormone production, the body needs various types of fats – and, of course, proteins. However, it is a mistake to think of a diet for gaining muscle mass solely as eating a lot of protein.

Now beauty and a healthy lifestyle are in fashion – and that is great. But the industry adapts to any fashion: we are offered sports supplements and special nutrition for health and maintaining our desired shape. Opinions on whether to use these supplements are divided: some consider them bad for your health, some consider them important and necessary for achieving great results, and some consider them completely dangerous. We at Cave Mode understand the real situation: what sports supplements are, why they are needed, and whether they cause side effects or not.