Browsing: strengthtraining

Bands are a powerlifter’s secret weapon, but they can be a double-edged sword. Let’s explore the benefits and drawbacks of bands, along with some killer Westside Barbell exercises to incorporate them into your training.

Ever feel stuck between needing more speed for your lifts or needing more strength to move heavier weights? The answer lies in the force-velocity curve, the scientific relationship between how much weight you lift (force) and how fast you lift it (velocity).

Ever feel stuck in a rut with your weightlifting? Grinding away at the same weights, seeing little to no progress? You might be experiencing accommodation, where your body adapts to the training stimulus and plateaus. But fear not, there’s a solution: accommodating resistance.

The deadlift, a king among exercises, demands perfect technique and total body strength. Westside Barbell, a renowned powerlifting gym, unveils deadlift secrets to help you conquer lockouts, improve your form, and reach for new personal bests.

This blog post dives into a powerful 15-week powerlifting program designed by Westside Barbell, a renowned gym known for championing powerlifters. The program focuses on building a strong foundation and peaking for a competition.

Louie Simmons, a renowned powerlifting coach, shares his unique approach to squat training specifically designed for highly trained athletes (squatting 900lbs or more). This program focuses on developing two crucial aspects for a powerful squat: speed-strength and strength-speed.

Strong legs are crucial for various athletic endeavors, and squats are a go-to exercise to build leg strength. However, legendary powerlifter Louie Simmons argues that there’s more to a strong squat than just squatting.

The box squat is a variation of the traditional squat exercise that utilizes a box to control depth and potentially improve overall squat performance. Louie Simmons, a renowned powerlifting coach, is a big advocate for box squats, believing them to be a superior and safer alternative to regular squats. This blog post will delve into the benefits of box squats and how to perform them effectively.

Westside Barbell is famous for its record-breaking powerlifters, especially benching champions. This blog post dives into the training methods of their top bencher crew, including 700+ lb lifters like Mike Wolf (830 lb), George Halbert (683 lb), and Fred Boldt (628 lb).