Browsing: technique

Powerlifting may look simple from the outside – squat, bench, deadlift. But for beginners, mastering the technical execution of these lifts is crucial for both performance and safety. Here’s why focusing on technique is essential, especially in the early stages of your powerlifting journey.

Pushing yourself to new limits in powerlifting is essential for growth, but neglecting rest can lead to injury and hinder progress. Enter active rest phases: strategic periods of reduced training to ensure a complete recovery and maximize your potential.

In strength training, strategically incorporating periods of rest and recovery is crucial for optimal performance. One method to achieve this is through light sessions. These sessions provide a way to balance pushing yourself with allowing your body to recover and adapt.

As powerlifters progress through years of training, reaching peak performance becomes increasingly challenging. One reason is the widening gap between the body’s ability to adapt and its ability to recover. This article explores various factors influencing fatigue accumulation and dissipation, helping you optimize your training for sustainable gains.

Westside Barbell, a renowned powerlifting gym, prioritizes intensity zone loading for maximizing bench press performance. This blog post dives into their unique approach, focusing on the dynamic method day and max effort day.

The world of powerlifting is dominated by explosive strength and lightning-fast reps. Westside Barbell, a name synonymous with powerlifting excellence, places high value on Dynamic Effort Day, a training session designed to build explosive power and tricep strength. This blog post delves into the core principles and exercises used in this high-intensity workout.

The deadlift is a compound exercise powerhouse, engaging multiple muscle groups for full-body strength development. However, executing it correctly makes all the difference. Here’s a breakdown of key tips for both conventional and sumo deadlift styles.

The bench press may seem straightforward, but there are nuances that can significantly impact your performance and protect you from injury. Here’s a breakdown of advanced techniques to maximize your bench press.

Hitting a wall in your strength training? Struggling to see progress? If you’re looking to break through plateaus and accelerate your strength gains, consider incorporating bands and chains into your routine. This blog post explores how these tools can prolong maximal force production and enhance the effectiveness of your barbell training.

Isometric strength training may sound like a relic of the past, but this powerful method has a lot to offer modern powerlifters and athletes from various disciplines. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of isometrics, exploring: