Browsing: weightlifting

Building muscle and strength requires consistent effort, but it’s equally important to give your body proper rest and recovery. Deloads are a strategic technique in strength training programs that provide this essential break.

In strength training, strategically incorporating periods of rest and recovery is crucial for optimal performance. One method to achieve this is through light sessions. These sessions provide a way to balance pushing yourself with allowing your body to recover and adapt.

Westside Barbell, a legendary powerlifting gym, earns its renown through innovative training methods. This blog post dives into their unique approach to plyometrics, a training method used to develop explosive power in athletes.

Ever feel stuck between needing more speed for your lifts or needing more strength to move heavier weights? The answer lies in the force-velocity curve, the scientific relationship between how much weight you lift (force) and how fast you lift it (velocity).

Ever feel stuck in a rut with your weightlifting? Grinding away at the same weights, seeing little to no progress? You might be experiencing accommodation, where your body adapts to the training stimulus and plateaus. But fear not, there’s a solution: accommodating resistance.

Ever feel like your lifts just aren’t progressing anymore? You’re putting in the work, but the results just aren’t there. This could be due to a phenomenon called accommodation.

Strong legs are crucial for various athletic endeavors, and squats are a go-to exercise to build leg strength. However, legendary powerlifter Louie Simmons argues that there’s more to a strong squat than just squatting.

The deadlift is a compound exercise powerhouse, engaging multiple muscle groups for full-body strength development. However, executing it correctly makes all the difference. Here’s a breakdown of key tips for both conventional and sumo deadlift styles.