According to the World Health Organization, nearly 1 in 3 adults (30.7%) are overweight. More than 2 in 5 adults (42.4%) have obesity. About 1 in 11 adults (9.2%) have severe obesity. However, obesity is not only an aesthetic problem but also a health risk.
What is visceral obesity, what are its symptoms and what are the treatments? Why does excess weight lead to disruption of the cardiovascular system and complex hormonal failure in the body? Consequences for men and women.
Visceral obesity – what is it?

Visceral obesity is an increase in body weight due to a set of fat inside the abdominal cavity. This type of obesity is determined by measuring the circumference of the waist – if its width exceeds the width of the hips, we are talking about the presence of a large amount of visceral fat.
In turn, visceral fat is fundamentally different from subcutaneous fat, since it is actively involved in metabolic processes. Often, visceral obesity is associated with a violation of the production of various hormones – primarily insulin and leptin, as well as testosterone in men.
The more visceral fat in the abdomen (and the higher the degree of visceral adiposity), the greater the health consequences. First, the work of the cardiovascular system is disrupted (cholesterol and pressure increase), then there are risks for the musculoskeletal system and joints.
Visceral obesity:
- Set of internal fat
- Affects the hormonal system
- Provokes further fat gain
How to determine?
In most cases, visceral obesity is characterized by a change in body proportions – the waist becomes noticeably wider than the hips, and the figure takes on the shape of an apple. In addition, BMI (body mass index) increases – the ratio of a person’s weight to his height.
The main difference between visceral fat and subcutaneous fat is that the fat located directly under the skin is soft to the touch (it is he who is deposited on the sides and other problem areas). In turn, the fat hiding in the abdominal cavity has a denser structure.
Hazards and health risks

Scientific studies show that visceral fat is able to produce hormones, directly affecting the body’s metabolism. At the same time, the higher the degree of visceral obesity, the stronger the negative effect on the levels of insulin, cholesterol, and other metabolic parameters.
The key hormone of hunger and satiety, leptin, is produced in visceral fat – which is why it is so difficult to control appetite in the presence of obesity. A separate role is played by the love of sweets, which disrupts the metabolic processes of glucose in the body and provokes diabetes.
In addition to the above, visceral obesity can exacerbate the presence of other health problems – in particular, increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Also, against the background of alcohol abuse, fatty liver can develop, and then cirrhosis.
Visceral obesity in men
In men, visceral obesity leads to the conversion of free testosterone to estrogen. This, in turn, provokes the loss of muscle mass, impairs libido, and also accelerates weight gain in the “female type” – that is, in the thighs and chest.
Among other things, visceral obesity can negatively affect a man’s ability to conceive a child, reducing sperm motility and quantity, as well as affecting ejaculate volume.
Visceral obesity in women
Research suggests that during menopause, women on average gain between 5 and 7 kg of extra weight. The reason is a decrease in estrogen levels. As a result, the body’s sensitivity to insulin changes, reducing its ability to influence blood sugar levels while increasing the percentage of energy stored in fat.
In addition, the level of the hormone cortisol changes – which provokes an increase in the amount of internal fat and, accordingly, visceral obesity.
How to treat visceral obesity?

The only treatment for visceral obesity is a combination of proper nutrition and regular exercise. At the same time, the diet should be observed under the supervision of a specialist – attempts to lose weight due to a sharp refusal to eat and switch to a reduced set of products can be hazardous to health.
In addition, there are no pills or drugs that reduce body weight without changing lifestyle and nutrition. It must be remembered that obesity is most often caused by a low level of mobility combined with excessive consumption of simple carbohydrates and saturated fats.
Under the influence of moderate-intensity aerobic training, blood flow to adipose tissue gradually increases, as a result of which the body learns to use visceral fat as an energy source. These processes accelerate over time, allowing you to effectively fight obesity.
Visceral obesity is not just an aesthetic problem. The presence of a large amount of fat in the abdominal cavity negatively affects the functioning of the whole body, disrupting the normal production of hormones and provoking further weight gain.