Box Squats: The Powerful Squat Variation You Need to Try

Unleash your inner powerlifter and build a stronger, safer squat! The box squat is a squat variation that utilizes a box to control depth and potentially skyrocket your squat performance.  This web story dives into the benefits and proper form for this powerful exercise. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

Box Squats: Friend to Your Knees and Lower Back

Reduced Stress: Unlike regular squats, box squats limit depth, preventing excessive flexion in your knees and spine.  This is a major benefit for those with injuries or a history of knee/back pain. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

Box Squats: Building Technique and Power

Master Your Form: The box acts as a depth cue, ensuring you reach the perfect depth consistently. This translates to better squat technique overall. Explode Off the Box: The pause at the bottom allows for a more explosive drive off the box, boosting power in your regular squats. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

Box Squats: Faster Recovery, More Training

CNS-Friendly: Compared to regular squats, box squats are less demanding on your central nervous system.  This allows for faster recovery and more frequent squat workouts, accelerating progress. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

How to Perform Box Squats: A Step-by-Step Guide

1. Set up the squat rack with the barbell at an appropriate height. 2. Choose a box that allows you to comfortably reach a depth slightly below parallel when seated. 3. Position yourself under the barbell like a regular squat. 4. Unrack the weight, maintaining a tight core and arched back. 5. Squat down with control, stopping just above the box. 6. Pause briefly on the box, keeping your core engaged and back tight. 7. Push explosively off the box, driving through your heels to stand back up. 8. Complete your desired reps before reracking the weight. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

Box Squat Safety Tips:

Choose the right box height: Start with a comfortable depth slightly below parallel. Gradually decrease the height as you get stronger. Maintain proper form: Focus on core engagement, back arch, and proper knee tracking throughout the movement. Don't bounce: The goal is controlled descent and a pause, not momentum from the box. Start light: Begin with a lighter weight and gradually increase it as you master the movement. Ready to unlock the power of box squats? Give them a try!

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