Directed Adaptation - Sequential Training for Powerlifting Gains

Consistent Training - The Key to Progress

– Powerlifting gains require consistent training with a specific focus. – Random training approaches can hinder progress.

Directed Adaptation Explained - Sequential Training Matters

Directed adaptation: Train for specific goals in a planned sequence for optimal results.

Limited Adaptation Capacity - Focus on One Goal at a Time

– The body can only adapt to a certain number of training stimuli at once. – Switching goals frequently limits progress in each area.

Sequential Training for Rep Ranges - Don't Mix It Up Too Much

– Train for specific rep ranges (sets of 5, 15) in dedicated training phases. – Combining multiple rep ranges in one workout limits progress for each.

The "Jack of All Trades" Trap - Prioritize Powerlifting Specificity

– Training for multiple goals simultaneously can lead to mediocre results in each area. – Focus on powerlifting-specific training for competition success.

Phased Training Approach - Building a Strong Foundation

– Utilize directed adaptation with dedicated hypertrophy, strength & peaking phases. – This allows for focused training & better long-term results.