Key facts

– Exercise can benefit your mental health as well as your physical health. – Exercising regularly can reduce stress, help you sleep better, and aid recovery from mental illness. – If you are new to exercising, start slow in a setting where you feel comfortable. – Exercise has many benefits, not only for your physical health but also your mental health. – If you are new to exercise, you can start slowly and choose something you enjoy.

Physical health benefits 

Helps reduce: – heart disease – high blood pressure – diabetes – obesity – cancer

Helps with conditions: – stroke – Alzheimer's disease – Parkinson's disease – dementia

Additional benefits: – lose weight if you need to – build muscle mass and strength

Mental health benefits

If you exercise regularly, it can help: – reduce stress – boost your memory – reduce symptoms of mental health conditions like depression, anxiety or schizophrenia – help with recovery from mental health issues – improve your concentration – give you more energy – improve sleep

How does exercise help my mental health?

Exercise causes your brain to release 'feel good' chemicals like endorphins and serotonin that help improve your mood.

It also improves your fitness, which can help lift your mood. Doing physical activity can also distract you from negative thought patterns.

How much exercise do I need?

Australian guidelines recommend adults do at least 30 minutes of moderate to intensive physical activity on most or all days of the week. Combine your exercise routine with a healthy diet and other healthy lifestyle habits.

While you exercise, you can also: – practice steady breathing for self-awareness – focus on keeping a good posture

How do I start exercising?

Start with simple activities like: – going to the shops – gardening – household chores – cooking

Try to build up to doing 30 minutes of moderate exercise each day, such as: – bike riding – walking – swimming

If you have a pedometer or smart watch, you can also monitor your steps and set walking goals. At first, aim for around 1,000 steps a day. Eventually, try to aim for 8,000 to 10,000 steps per day.

You don't need to visit a gym to exercise. You can start exercising in a comfortable environment to build your confidence. You can exercise: – at home – outside – alone, with people you know, or with a class or group

Consider ways you can incorporate exercise into your daily routine and lifestyle.

When starting exercise, pick something you enjoy. You can use your friends or family as motivators to keep you on track.

– Enjoy the benefits of owning a pet — if you own a dog, make the most of your local area for their walks. You could walk in a park or by a beach if they are nearby. – If you enjoy dancing, try a creative dance movement class. – If you enjoy art, visit a museum or gallery.

How do I overcome obstacles to exercising?

When starting exercise you may experience some barriers, but they can be overcome

Motivation and energy

Mental health issues can be tiring. You may struggle with motivation for exercise. To overcome this, you can: – start slow and set small goals – reward yourself for exercising – try social exercise – remind yourself that exercise will help you rest better and feel less tired

The cost of exercising

You may think that exercising is too costly. Gym memberships and home exercise equipment can be expensive. There are other, more affordable ways to exercise. – Local community centres often have affordable exercise groups. – See if your community has a free, local running group. – Go for a walk around your block. – Explore online exercise classes and exercise apps.

Anxiety or feeling intimidated

To feel more comfortable and build your confidence, you can try: – taking a friend with you to an exercise class – exercising in comfortable clothes – downloading an app to exercise in your own home


If you are short on time, there are things you can try to fit exercise into your routine. – Break exercise into small chunks. Instead of doing 30 minutes in one go, do three lots of 10 minutes in a day. – Try to wake up earlier. – Try to walk around on your lunch break.

Physical limitations

You may have physical obstacles such as an injury or disability that makes it difficult to exercise. You may benefit from seeing a health professional such as a physiotherapist or exercise physiologist to help you recover. They can suggest exercise options suitable for you, and help you plan activities.

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