
Cellulite is a problem that worries many girls and women. And although official medicine says that this is not a disease, but a kind of “cosmetic defect”, beautiful ladies do not get any easier from such consolation. The recommendations to combat cellulite are diets, special creams, massages, and exercise. However, this struggle often ends in nothing. Let’s take a closer look and figure out once and for all how to defeat cellulite in a minimum amount of time.

What is Cellulite? Cellulite is a change in the subcutaneous fat that gives the skin a specific appearance. Visually, it is often compared to an orange peel. At the initial stage, it is visible only when compressing problem areas. In the second and third stages, it is visible to the naked eye already. Cellulite is most often found on the buttocks and thighs (back and outer surface). The upper body is less affected, but in women, it can also appear on the arms, triceps, or abdomen.

How to combat Celulite? 1. Using Cosmetics 2. Various Massages & Therapies 3. Medicine 4. Exercise

Physical activity accelerates fat burning and improves blood microcirculation in the subcutaneous fat. And an increase in muscle mass (within reasonable limits for women) helps to make the surface of the skin smoother and more “stretched”.

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