How to increase testosterone

What is Testosterone? Testosterone is the key male sex hormone. It is responsible both for the level of sexual libido and the formation of secondary sexual characteristics in men, as well as for the growth of muscle tissue and fat burning. Anabolic steroids are, in fact, synthetic testosterone.

Testosterone boosting products – Zinc: 10 – 15mg per day – Magnesium: 300 – 400mg – Iron: 8 – 10mg – Vitamin D: 400 – 1000 IU – Saturated fat: at least 10% of calories – Omega3: at least 1g

Products containing Zinc The leaders in zinc content are seafood, offal, and various nuts. In addition, zinc is found in legumes, chicken eggs, and, in much smaller quantities, in meat and cereals. Zinc deficiency is a common nutritional disorder that affects testosterone levels.

Products containing Magnesium The main role of magnesium in the body is energy metabolism in cells. Deficiency of this micromineral is associated with chronic fatigue, difficulty sleeping, and even seizures. Most magnesium is found in seeds (both chia seeds and pumpkin seeds), followed by nuts, legumes, and some vegetables.

Products containing Iron Iron is one of the key microminerals necessary for the proper functioning of the body’s metabolism and the production of testosterone. Regular consumption of iron-rich foods ensures the transport of oxygen to the tissues and helps the immune system function.

Products containing Vitamin D The main source of vitamin D is sunlight, as it is produced in the skin during tanning. Vitamin D is rarely found in foods – it is found in eggs, dairy products, and sea fish. Note that according to the mechanism of action on the body, vitamin D resembles a hormone – affecting testosterone levels.

Saturated Fats Since the 1980s, saturated fat has been considered the main enemy of health – but recent scientific research suggests that it is not so simple. Ultimately, in moderation, saturated fatty acids are not only safe for the body but also beneficial.

Omega-3 Omega-3s are like vitamins in that they are important for brain function and metabolism but are not produced in the body and must be obtained from food.

Physical Training The more muscle a man has, the higher his testosterone levels. Training to increase testosterone should be based on getting rid of excess weight and gaining muscle mass.

Drugs to increase Testosterone Only 3 over-the-counter drugs have a proven ability to increase testosterone levels: D-aspartic acid, Tribulus Terrestris, and Eurycoma Longifolia

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