Meditation for beginners

Meditation is one of the most effective ways to deal with stress. In addition, beginners to meditate quickly notice an improvement in their ability to focus on a problem, improved sleep quality, and a more positive attitude towards life. Simple meditation techniques for beginners are breath meditation, mantra meditation, and guided meditation. In addition, an easy way to learn is to develop a daily habit.

Meditation for beginners Meditation for beginners is not just the ability to sit still in the lotus position. Meditation is the ability to disconnect from the surrounding reality, focusing, for example, on breathing. The result can be compared to rebooting a computer – the brain seems to “delete” unnecessary thoughts from RAM. In order for beginners to learn how to meditate correctly, it is first necessary to develop a habit. To get started, set yourself up to meditate for 5 minutes for the next 7 days.

Meditation Technique Although you can meditate in any position, the cross-legged lotus position is recommended for beginners. If you are not flexible enough for this, you can use a firm pillow. The main task is to keep the spine and neck in a straight position but without tension. Eyes should be closed, and hands with open palms should be placed on your knees. The thumb and forefinger are often kept together during meditation, but this is not a rule.

Best time to meditate Meditation in the morning after waking up is more effective for beginners than meditation before bed. At the beginning of the day, the brain is more calm and not overwhelmed by everyday thoughts. In addition, during morning meditation it is more difficult to accidentally fall asleep – in contrast to the evening.

How long should you meditate? Usually, beginners are advised to start with 3-5 minutes of meditation several times a week. The role is also played by the fact that in the lotus position, many people quickly begin to numb their legs, which complicates the process of relaxation. That is why meditation is usually included in the practice of yoga, which improves flexibility.

Benefits of meditation First of all, meditation reduces the level of the stress hormone cortisol and normalizes blood pressure. Regular meditation for several weeks helps to get rid of anxiety and also teaches you to look at the situation from a more positive side – in fact, acting as a treatment for depression. Among other things, meditation restores neural connections in the brain, positively affecting a person’s cognitive capabilities. It is believed that properly conducted meditation allows you to control the focus of your consciousness.

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