Plateaued? Fight Back Against Training Accommodation!

The bench press is a staple chest exercise, but mastering it requires more than just pushing weight. This blog post dives into advanced techniques used by experienced lifters to maximize power, safety, and muscle growth.

What is Accommodation?

– Your body adapts to constant training, causing progress to plateau. – Muscles get "comfortable" with the same exercises and weights. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

The Westside Barbell Solution: Accommodating Resistance

– Keep your muscles challenged and prevent plateaus with various techniques. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

Fight Accommodation with Variety:

– Don't stick to the same lifts! – Try box squats, rack pulls, floor presses, and more variations. – Change your grip (sumo vs conventional deadlifts, grip width variations). – Utilize special bars (safety squat bar, cambered bar, MantaRay, etc.) ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

Accommodating Resistance Techniques

Wave Periodization: Change weight lifted over time (e.g., 3-week waves). Bands & Chains: Add variable resistance throughout the lift for power development. Rest Periods: Shorter rest for speed-strength, longer rest for heavy weights. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

Westside Barbell Examples:

Speed Deadlifts: Explosive singles with perfect form (60-70% 1RM). Banded Deadlifts: Mini-bands or lighter bands for progressive resistance. Lightened Deadlifts: Reduce weight initially with bands, increase at lockout. Chain Deadlifts: Chains fall off as weight increases, forcing more power generation. Fight Accommodation & Unleash Your Potential!

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