Westside Barbell: Mastering Volume Control for Powerlifting Gains

Unleashing consistent progress through a unique methodology Westside Barbell, a name synonymous with powerlifting excellence, champions a unique approach to training.  This web story dives into their philosophy, exploring how they control volume and achieve consistent progress, contrasting it with the traditional "progressive overload" method. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

The Pitfalls of Progressive Overload: Uncontrolled Volume

Traditional Method: Relies on constantly increasing weight, leading to: Uncontrolled Volume: Higher weight often equates to higher volume, increasing risk of plateaus and injuries. Limited Focus: Focuses solely on increasing weight, neglecting other crucial aspects of training. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

Westside's Solution: Flat Loading and the 1% Range

Flat Loading: Training at a fixed percentage of 1RM (around 60%) with consistent sets and reps across training cycles ensures controlled volume. The 1% Range: This targeted range allows for focused development on other aspects of training without excessive volume increases. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

Beyond the Core Lifts: Building a Strong Foundation

Special Exercises: Westside incorporates exercises like glute-ham raises and reverse hypers to target specific weaknesses and promote overall development. General Physical Preparation (GPP): This training component builds a strong foundation, improving flexibility, work capacity, and injury resilience. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

A Holistic Approach: Moving Beyond Progressive Overload

Progressive Overload: Westside argues this method only addresses one goal at a time, neglecting other crucial aspects. Westside's System: Adapted from the Soviet training model, it focuses on: Building muscle mass Developing speed and strength Maintaining perfect form Improving GPP Enhancing recovery ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

Embracing Evidence-Based Training

Westside advocates for: Moving beyond outdated information in traditional textbooks. Embracing evidence-based training methods for optimal results. Resources like "Supertraining" by Yuri Verkhoshansky: Offer insights from renowned experts to further enhance training knowledge. ➡️ Swipe to learn more!

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