Author: E B

Palm oil, derived from the oil palm fruit, is primarily produced in Malaysia and Indonesia. It’s the world’s most popular vegetable oil, comprising about 35% of total oil production. This versatile oil also offers several benefits, including its use in various industries and as a source of vitamin E.

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There are many myths associated with eating coconut oil, from the fact that it is more “dietary” (due to its content of short-chain fatty acids) to the fact that its use does not affect cholesterol levels.

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Although the classic steak is whole beef meat fried over a fire in a short time, there are numerous recipes for oven-baked steaks, pork steaks, and even steaks from salmon and other fish. In the cuisine of some countries, even ground beef steak, which is closer to a cutlet, is considered a steak.

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Ghee is oil that has undergone a melting (slow boiling) process. If ordinary butter contains up to 20% moisture, then melted ghee contains less than 5%. Also, the process of slow heating removes a significant part of the lactose, casein, and other impurities.

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First of all, the norms and ratios of macronutrients depend on the level of daily activity – when performing physical exercises, the body needs more energy. For example, the daily protein requirement for athletes is always higher. However, carbohydrates are also important – it is on them that the muscles “work”.

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People with weak immune systems are more at risk of developing colds. In particular, during the end of winter, people are more prone to a deficiency of vitamin D, which affects the functioning of the immune system. A lack of vitamin C also affects the course of cold infections.

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