Author: E B

Hair growth is a complex physiological process. In total, there are about 5 million hair follicles (follicles) on the human body, about 100 thousand of them are on the head. It is believed that the amount is laid down at the genetic level and is not able to increase throughout life.

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Chia is a herbaceous plant native to Central America, while flax originated in the Middle East. Both are annuals with bluish flowers. Chia seeds are dark, small, and dense, while flaxseeds are brown, oblong, and softer in texture.

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Would you like to know your chances of staying healthy in the next decade? Measure around your waist (with a soft tape 10 cm above the thighbone, without pulling in the stomach) – a figure above 90 cm for women and 100 cm for men indicates the presence of reserves of abdominal fat.

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Interval running is a great way to do a fat-burning workout without special equipment. You can run both on the street, in the stadium or on the stairs. The main thing is to follow the correct technique, monitor the alternation of intervals and control the heartbeat.

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The exercise bike is one of the most effective weight loss tools. Regular training on it contributes to both weight loss (burning from 300 to 800 kcal per hour) and benefits the health of the cardiovascular system. In addition, pedaling is safe for the knees – unlike running.

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Long and regular cardio provides the greatest effect for burning belly fat, rather than abdominal exercises. Essentially, vigorous aerobic exercise raises your metabolic rate, causing your body to burn more energy throughout the day—which helps you lose weight.

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The pulse with which the training is performed plays the key role in the process of losing weight, rather than the choice of cardio. That is why the best for fat burning are either long and moderate loads, or high-intensity interval training.

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