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Browsing: Exercises
The bent over row is one of the five basic bodybuilding exercises for gaining muscle mass. When performed correctly, the work involves the latissimus dorsi, the middle and lower part of the trapezius muscles, as well as the posterior deltoids.
In pursuit of massive arms, men fanatically train their biceps, while often forgetting about the triceps. However, the triceps muscle of the shoulder takes up about 70% of the volume of the arm, so it should be in priority. And you don’t have to go to the gym to do it.
Leg workouts must be present in the program for both women and men. Almost any projectile is suitable for working out the muscles of the legs. But today we’ll talk about how to train them well with dumbbells.
Lunges are an exercise that no leg workout can do without. Moreover, it is used regardless of gender. It would seem that it is difficult – take it and do it. But walking lunges have a few “secrets” that affect the final result.
The transversus abdominis muscle is the innermost layer of the abdominal muscles. Unlike the rectus abdominis, which is located vertically on the front surface of the body, the transverse muscle is located horizontally and encircles the waist, like a belt.
Vacuum exercise is a way to train the internal abdominal muscles. This exercise is used both in yoga (it is considered breathing) and in bodybuilding (the vacuum helps to increase the volume of the chest and reduce the waist, making the figure V-shaped).
Functional training has been a major fitness trend for the last ten years. Although exercises with body weight or with light equipment (for example, with a ball or with kettlebells) were known before, functional training made them much more interesting.
Without squats, it is impossible to create a powerful athletic physique – while the regular performance of this exercise helps to gain muscle mass faster. Why are barbell squats so important and how do they affect the figure?
Although the deadlift is the most important strength exercise, most trainees avoid it. The reasons are simple – a complex technique, as well as a serious burden on the body. In addition, beginners often do not know which muscles the deadlift pumps.
Many are sure that the more workouts, the higher the volume of loads, and, ultimately, the faster the result. However, from the point of view of physiology, everything is not so simple. For example, exercising every day is good for increasing stamina, but not for pumping muscles.