Leg workouts must be present in the program for both women and men.
Almost any projectile is suitable for working out the muscles of the legs. But today we’ll talk about how to train them well with dumbbells.
Why should you train legs?

The legs are the strongest and largest muscle group. They account for 50% of the total body weight. According to these indicators, only the back can compete with the legs.
Training this muscle group helps to achieve progress both in the growth of mass and strength and in the development of relief.
Basic leg exercises have a number of positive effects on the body:
- Leg exercises are the leaders in testosterone production
This is especially true for men because testosterone is the main male sex hormone.
Its main functions are to increase libido and trigger muscle growth and strength.
Especially well its production is stimulated by various variants of squats and lunges with weights.
- High energy consumption
This is true during the period of work on a shredded physique when you need to spend as many calories as possible.
- Acceleration of metabolism
While working on the legs, many muscle groups are involved, including the upper body. The load on all body systems increases, and metabolism accelerates.
This is one of the main factors that allow you to control the level of fat in the body.
- Involvement in the work of the gluteal muscles
Therefore, leg workouts are a must for women who want to pump up their buttocks.
And for men who do not want to pump this part of the body in isolation, such a “side effect” will also come in handy.
- Development of neuromuscular communication, muscle motility, and general coordination
This happens with basic multi-joint exercises that involve a lot of stabilizing muscles.
The best leg exercises using dumbbells
Leg training with dumbbells is almost no different from training with a barbell.
Almost any movement can be adapted to perform with this projectile.
The best basic exercises with dumbbells:
- Squats

These include goblet squats – when dumbbells are held on the chest (1 or 2), plie squats, sumo, or with two dumbbells on the sides of the body.
This exercise will train all the main muscles of the legs – quadriceps, biceps femoris, and adductors.
And one of the most advanced options that will suit advanced athletes is the pistol squat on one leg.
The movement itself is difficult, and even more so with dumbbells in hand.
- Lunges

Lunges are the next multi-joint leg exercise that engages the same muscles as squats. But you work here with each foot in turn.
They are different: in place, backward or forward, in motion.
One of the most effective options for the buttocks is Bulgarian lunges with dumbbells.
- Stepping on a platform

Another exercise that works the buttocks well. But only if the height of the platform is at the level of the knee or slightly lower.
So the buttocks are more stretched and involved in the work.
- Romanian draft

An exercise that is essentially isolating, but has long been considered a classic, a conditional base. All because it is included in the leg training program of almost every athlete.
It accentuates the back of the thigh.
The most effective isolation exercises with dumbbells:
- Lying leg curl
Exercise in isolation pumps the biceps of the thigh. Lying on the stomach on a flat surface, the dumbbell is clamped between the feet and the legs are bent and unbent at the knee.
- Leg abduction
A movement that trains the gluteal muscles. It is done lying on its side, or back, standing on all fours.
- Glute Bridge
Lying on the floor, resting your shoulder blades on a bench, or even on one leg. The dumbbell is placed on the bend of the hips and held by the hands.
- Calf raises with dumbbells
Exercise for the calf muscles.
It is done standing both on two and on one leg.
Leg workout plan depending on the goal
Depending on your goals, a leg workout with dumbbells can be as follows:
For muscle mass
For shredding (emphasis on the buttocks)
For strength
It should be noted that training legs for strength with dumbbells is rather arbitrary, since the small weight of the dumbbells used is a limiting factor in the growth of strength.
This program is well suited for beginners who still have small working weights and the use of even light dumbbells gives a pronounced strength effect.
Training legs for strength development with heavy dumbbells is inconvenient due to the bulkiness of the dumbbells and the difficulty in holding the dumbbells in your hands. In this case, having achieved progress, it is better to move on to workout sessions with a barbell.
In workouts for mass and cutting, dumbbells fit perfectly. At least for beginners and intermediate level.
General recommendations
With increased stress on the legs, the body is in a state of increased stress. Therefore, close attention is paid to the restoration of:
- Full sleep (8-10 hours)
- Proper and balanced nutrition in terms of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates
- Additional intake of sports nutritional supplements
- Desirable additional physiotherapy, accelerating recovery (bath, massage, etc.)
The optimal frequency of training the legs is 1-2 times a week.
The duration of shock loads on the legs is 4-6 weeks. After that, be sure to spend three to four weeks of workouts in a supportive, less stressful mode.
Forced training of the leg muscles exhausts not only the muscles, but also gives an increased load on the bone-ligamentous apparatus and the central nervous system.
Use the principle of periodization – the alternation of heavy and light, supporting cycles.
For example, training with dumbbells can be used by experienced athletes just as a “light” load.
And that’s all!
Stick to these simple rules, and you will definitely succeed in achieving your goal. Good luck!