Browsing: Nutrition

The carbohydrate window theory dates back to 1988 when the first study was published showing that eating carbohydrates immediately after a workout resulted in a twofold increase in muscle glycogen stores (compared to eating carbohydrates two hours later).

You have probably heard the common expression more than once: “We are what we eat.” And indeed it is. The choice of products directly affects our health. Food is a source of building materials for our cells, tissues, and organs. It provides the vital activity of the body, gives us energy, and even affects our mood. That is why proper nutrition is one of the most important conditions for a healthy lifestyle.

To reduce the stomach, you need to gradually develop good habits – and get rid of bad ones. Determine the negative factors that prevent you from removing your stomach using a checklist. By removing them and connecting regular workouts, you are guaranteed to get the result.

Visceral fat is the most dangerous type of fat for health. It is not only deposited on the internal organs and squeezes the stomach forward, but also disrupts metabolism – in particular, it affects the hormonal level and is also the cause of chronic hunger.