If you want to lose weight without exercising and without counting calories, you must first learn to eat mindfully. Including, you should avoid food that provokes an increase in appetite and the consumption of unnecessary calories associated with this.
In order to lose weight quickly and harmlessly, it is necessary to adequately assess the body’s ability to get rid of excess weight. Experts consider the safe limit of calorie reduction to be around 300 kcal per day – which ensures the loss of about 1 kilogram of fat per month.
Easy ways to lose weight

Since 1 g of fat contains 9 kilocalories, to get rid of 1 kilogram of excess weight, 9 thousand kcal will be required – which is equivalent to 12-15 hours of playing sports in a fairly intensive mode. In terms of food calories, that’s 3-4 large pizzas.
That is, diet control plays a much more important role in weight loss than exercise. Despite this, it is important to recall the positive impact of exercise on a number of metabolic parameters – for example, the body’s sensitivity to carbohydrate energy.
Insulin is a hormone responsible for storing energy. Refined carbohydrates (white flour, sugar) quickly increase blood glucose levels, which can lead to an excess of insulin – and a decrease in sensitivity to its action. The result is uncontrolled appetite and weight gain.
How does working out help you lose weight?
Physical activity is not only a way to burn calories for weight loss. Regular exercise teaches the body to use glycogen, the main muscle fuel, more efficiently. This substance accumulates in the muscles as a result of the processing of carbohydrates from food.
The key difference in sports metabolism is the increase in the body’s need for both energy in general and carbohydrates in particular. Plus, by normalizing blood glucose levels, it becomes easier to control hunger and satiety – avoiding overeating.
Even if you move more during the day (or start to follow the rules of steps) – this is already a good step towards weight loss. Ultimately, weight loss is a step-by-step process aimed at long-term maintenance of the result.
Easy ways to lose weight without counting calories
The first rule of easy and safe weight loss is to make eating as conscious as possible. In simple terms, you should always pay attention to what, how and when you eat:
1. Eat More Protein!

Protein food allows you to better control the feeling of hunger – reducing the calorie intake. In one study, increasing dietary protein from 15% to 30% allowed subjects to eat nearly 450 fewer calories—creating an energy deficit without exercising.
2. Eat Slower!

Another study looked at the speed of eating. The first group of people ate 600 kcal in the “normal” mode (on average, in 6 minutes), and the second group – in 24 minutes. The result – with slow eating, satiety, and satisfaction indicators increased by 30-40%.
3. Eat more wholesome foods – cereals and vegetables

Think not about how to lose weight – but about how to eat right. According to nutritionists, your daily diet should consist of three main meals and two small snacks. Of particular importance is dinner, often the only meal prepared at home.
4. Remove sweets! And don’t eat snacks!

The calorie content of a typical snack (chips, crackers, chocolate bar) is at least 300-400 kcal. Add 150 calories from a glass of juice or soda and you get 30% of your daily calories. It is much easier to eliminate such foods from the diet, rather than trying to burn fat further.
5. Pay attention to your spices!

Monosodium glutamate flavor enhancer is a substance found in natural tomatoes, nuts and cheese. Adding it to food allows you to enhance its meat or mushroom taste – making it more appetizing and provoking overeating. The danger is that glutamate is often found in finished spices.
Eating while watching videos/movies is one of the main causes of weight gain

According to a study, the first group of 10 people ate while watching TV—while the second group of 10 ate 30 minutes while listening to soft music. The result is a 70% increase in calories eaten (when consumed from a large plate).
The difference was also expressed in the mechanics of eating – when watching TV, people ate faster and for a longer time. That is why, in order to lose weight, it is extremely important to give up the habit of eating unlimited calories while watching videos.
How to control your appetite?
In order to lose weight, you do not need to limit yourself to food as much as possible and suffer from hunger. Food should still bring you pleasure – there are many tasty and healthy foods that are acceptable (and welcome!) in proper nutrition.
However, in order to lose weight, you have to start being a lot more mindful of what you eat. First, limit fast carbohydrates, then increase the amount of natural foods with fiber. This will help you better control your appetite and satiety.
If you want to lose weight without exercising and without counting calories, you must first learn to eat mindfully. Including, you should avoid food that provokes an increase in appetite and overeating – refined carbohydrates and foods with a flavor enhancers.