Studies show that using the wrong diet for weight loss increases the chance of developing obesity by 3 times (compared to teenagers who did not use diets). Also, children who have tried to lose weight are 6 times more likely to suffer from eating disorders in adulthood.
Genetics and Obesity in teenagers

First of all, a teenager needs to understand that the cause of excess weight is rarely laid down at the genetic level – most often we are talking about the fact that the eating habits of parents (as well as their propensity for the presence or absence of daily physical activity) are transmitted to children.
It is logical to assume that if overeating and a sedentary lifestyle lead to weight gain in parents, a teenager will also face similar problems. For these reasons, it is important to engage in weight loss at the family level – this will help to avoid harm to health and increase the chances of success.
How to lose 10kg?
It is extremely important to evaluate the consequences of rash steps. If a teenager sets his goal to lose 10 kg as quickly as possible (either by completely refusing food or by choosing a combination of products that he thinks is “healthy”), this will most likely create health problems.
A growing body needs not just calories, but also a whole range of vitamins, minerals, and various phytonutrients (from fiber to antioxidants and flavonoids) – trying to lose weight by restricting the diet requires knowledge of these substances.
Weight loss for teenagers – basic tips

In the list of reasons leading to weight gain (both in children and adolescents and in adults), excessive sugar consumption is number one – not only in its pure form but also in the form added to food.
For example, with the maximum allowable sugar intake of 25-50 g (depending on age, body weight, and level of daily physical activity), the average Russian consumes about 110 g.
The main consequence of excess sugar in the diet is fluctuations in blood glucose levels, provoking a feeling of fatigue, mistaken by many for hunger (and provoking again to seek a snack).
1. Stop eating sweets

If you want to lose weight, first of all, you have to give up most sweets – from chocolate bars, sweets, marshmallows, and cookies, ending with soda and juices.
Carefully study the composition of food products indicated on the package. In most of them, sugar is the key ingredient.
2. Learn to recognize hunger

Quite often, a person does not feel hungry at all – but simply wants to occupy his hands with something. In the cinema, popcorn is used, and at home in front of the TV – nuts, seeds, or sweets.
However, most types of such snacks contain an excessive amount of calories, sugar, and salt (it provokes thirst and makes you drink – including sugary sodas).
3. Eat natural foods

Children’s taste buds are wired to respond more strongly to sweet tastes (hence the love of sugar) – while naturally bitter tastes (such as the taste of vegetables) seem to them to be significantly more bitter.
In order for a teenager to be able to lose weight without dieting and without harm to health, they will have to get used to eating more green vegetables – although at first, their taste will seem bitter, taste buds will quickly adapt.
4. Review food stocks with your parents

If your parents are obviously overweight, and their eating habits can hardly be called correct, take care of family weight loss into your own hands.
Jointly analyze the food stocks available at home – strictly forbidding parents to cook exclusively from sugar, butter, and flour (a typical composition of home baking).
5. Learn to eat mindfully

Again, look at your parents – they probably have dinner at the same time as they watch the news on TV or a series on the computer.
Remember that in this case, it is extremely difficult to control the amount of food eaten. If you want to lose weight, try not to distract your brain from analyzing the feeling of fullness while eating.
Is physical exercise necessary for a teenager?

If 20 years ago sports were considered exclusively for professionals (and an ordinary person could watch sports competitions only on TV with a bottle of beer), then in the modern world physical activity is turning into a lifestyle and a way of self-expression.
The World Health Organization reminds us that the minimum level of activity for teenagers is 60 minutes of exercise per day – and for adults 150 minutes per week.
Regular exercise not only helps to lose weight (more precisely, to maintain normal body weight) but also has a complex effect on metabolism. In particular, they have a positive effect on bone mass – which can contribute to increased growth.
Losing weight for teens begins with an analysis of eating habits (both their own and their parents) – and with the restriction of sweets. However, it is important to avoid the temptation to go on a weight loss diet, which can lead to health damage due to the lack of certain nutrients.